Individual Tutoring Support
ELLC Tutoring offers help with academic assignments, conversational skills, resumes and job interview preparation
Request an ELLC tutoring session whenever you need help with:
- clarifying and achieving assignment goals
- understanding cultural differences and academic expectations
- preparing for and practicing oral assignments
- writing essays and response papers
- identifying language errors
- improving your overall English skills
- practice conversational skills and improve fluency
Here are some real examples of students who came to get help at the ELLC tutoring center:
- Efficient Reading: a student had 30 pages of assigned reading that was taking too long to read; the tutor helped by going over some reading strategies for more efficient reading.
- Online Discussion: a student had to participate in an online discussion board and the tutor helped with understanding what other students were posting and crafting a response
- Cultural References: ELLC tutor helped a student understand some of the cultural references in an assigned reading (feminist movement of the 1970s, Vietnam War, Women’s March, etc.) in preparation to summarize the reading in class.
- Response Essay: a student came in for help crafting a response paper for a U-Core class based on the course readings
- Mini-Presentation: ELLC tutor worked with a student to help them prepare for an oral midterm exam in an ethics class.
If you need help with English, ELLC Tutoring is for you!
How to reserve your appointment for Online and In-Person ELLC Tutoring Sessions
The ELLC currently offers tutoring Monday - Thursday from 10am - 4pm with an option of sessions in-person or over Zoom. All in-person sessions take place in Loyola 218. When you book your appointment here, please select the "in person" or "Zoom" option. For any special requests, please email us at
Spring 2024 Schedule
- In Person (Loyola 218) or Online (Zoom)
- Monday - Thursday: 10:00am - 4:00pm
- Fridays or any time after 4:00 pm sessions are by request only.
If none of the above times work for you, or for any other special requests, please email us at to start a conversation about how and when we can help!
ELLC Tutoring is not available during SU holidays listed in the academic calendar.
Booking Advantage: While you can walk into our offices at Loyola 218 during our tutoring hours, students who have booked an ELLC tutoring session are given priority over a "walk-ins”, so make sure to book a session if you really need the help! Remember to cancel if you can't make it so somebody else can take advantage of this resource. Students may reserve up to two hours of tutoring per week. There is no limit on drop-in sessions as long as no other students are waiting.
Book a tutoring session here.
When you're ready for your ELLC tutoring session, please login to our Zoom room (after booking your session, the link will be sent to your email) and wait for your tutor to let you in. Please be patient while waiting for the ELLC tutor. They may be finishing another session.
ELLC Tutoring sessions are generally 30 or 60 minutes long, but they can continue if there are no students waiting for their session to begin.
Please let us know if you have any comments, questions, or feedback at
Hours: Tutoring hours for the quarter are posted on the website. However, we may be able to meet with you outside of these hours. Email us!
- Sign up: You can sign up online for a 30 or a 60-minute session. You can only reserve two hours per week, but if there’s no one after you, you can continue your session. There is no limit to “drop-in” sessions you can attend during tutoring hours but students who have signed up in advance will have priority.
- Rescheduling or Cancelling: If you sign up for a session but are unable to make it, please reschedule or cancel your session so other students can reserve an appointment.
- Before the session: Prepare questions for the tutor and have assignment and assignment guidelines ready.
- During the session: Explain the assignment and discuss your ideas about how to complete it; listen carefully to the tutor and ask any questions you might have. Please remember that tutors are here to help you, but they are not allowed to do your work for you.
- Questions: Contact ELLC Tutoring at with any questions or see the below FAQs section.
Important note: The ELLC works hard to provide tutoring hours that are convenient for most students. If you can’t make any of these times, please let us know and we will try to arrange an appointment with a tutor outside of scheduled sessions. However, please note that we do not provide tutors’ contact information.
Hear From Our Students
Mohammed M., ‘24
“The ELLC Tutoring helped me in developing strategies in brainstorming. It even helped me to deliver my message in essays and presentations more effectively.”
No, but if English is not your first or primary language, we can help with your writing as well. Our tutors are trained to help students who are multilingual speakers of English and can advise you on your grammar, vocabulary, as well as structure of your essays. The Writing Center is also an excellent source of help for any stage of the writing process. The more help you can get, the better!
The Writing Center specializes in helping students with writing assignments only. The ELLC Tutoring offers help with English language and American culture on any type of assignment you might have written essays, online discussions, oral presentations, etc. Tutors can also help with personal statements, resumes, and interview preparation. Finally, the ELLC tutors are more specialized in working with students who are multilingual speakers of English and for whom English is not their first or primary language.
We try to accommodate our students if we can; we can occasionally arrange for one of our tutors to meet you outside of posted tutoring hours. Please send an email to at least 48 hours before you need tutoring, and we will do our best!
You can easily cancel or change your appointment either by going back to the confirmation email from Bookings. You can also email us at
You can “drop in” during the tutoring hours and see if any tutors are available. However, if someone signed up for an appointment, they would have priority. It’s usually best to make an appointment in advance so you can reserve your spot.
Book a tutoring session here.
Definitely! We can help you prepare and practice oral assignments from presentations to debates and job interviews. Any time you need help with English, the ELLC Tutoring is for you!
Yes! One of the things we do is help students with their understanding of American culture. Teachers often use examples from popular culture or history to make it easier for students to understand the topic. If you’re having problems understanding all those cultural references you can always come to talk about them with our tutors.
Contact us
For additional information about tutoring, please reach out to us!
ELLC Tutoring